YouTube Subscriber

4 min readJul 5, 2020


“The whole world is nothing but a big Rattrap” cited by Swedish writer “Selma Lagerlof”. This quote is perfectly suited for YouTube subscriber. Sometimes subscriber doesn’t want to watch a particular video, but notification lure subscriber to watch it. If video have attractive click bait then it is the cherry on cake. Here subscriber is rat and notification is a rattrap. Every YouTuber wants to earn more Rattrap. Because views are directly proportional to subscriber and these Subscribers help to monetize YouTube channel and to improve search ranking. Money comes from money likewise subscriber comes from subscriber.

world is nothing but a big Rattrap

Types of subscriber

Basically there is no parameter to categorize the subscriber. Everyone wants to subscribe You Tuber channel on his/her personal interest like education, motivation, comedy, cooking etc. here I classify subscriber on the basis of behavior.

  1. Suggested Subscriber: this type of subscription plays the most important role in growth of any You Tuber. There are lot of category of videos like education, blog, comedy, motivation, cooking, roast etc. if You Tuber content is good then views also suggested and share it their friends and relatives. It’s work like a chain reaction.
  2. Controversial Subscriber: some people subscribe channel because of controversy. Pewdipie and T-Series controversy is the famous example of this type subscribers. Before this controversy a few people know about pewdipie but after that significant number of people know pewdipie because of this controversy both channel gained its subscriber. Recent famous controversy YouTube vs TikTok was boon for some YouTuber. Like Carryminati before tik-tok-youtube controversy Carryminati has approx. 12 million subscriber after that he has 23.7 million subscriber almost 100% increase.
  3. Passive Subscriber: In this type of subscription subscriber doesn’t subscribe channel but they watch video of their favorite YouTuber. This type of subscribers don’t subscribe channel because they don’t want unnecessary notifications and suggestions. They watch video own will. Although they don’t subscribe but contribute in views. If subscriber want to escape the rattrap. This category is perfect one.
  4. Paid subscriber: in this digital world there are number of agencies which sale subscriber. Some educational YouTube channel used this trick. To sale their paid courses. I have not mention any name but this happened in India. Some other category channel also use this trick.

Doesn’t matter which type of subscriber you have. At the end content matter a lot. Subscriber is the king and content its food.

content is king

How YouTuber gain subscriber

First identify your audience. Make your content according to their interest. Learn from every video and improve what you did wrong. Beg for subscriber promote it different platform as possible. Always remember you are chef and you make food for them. Given below I mention some instance which help you to gain subscriber.

  1. Always talk about controversial and trending topic: everyone likes controversy. So make video every controversial and trending topic. If possible make your opinion to popular opinion. At the time of Pewdipie and T-Series controversy who supported T-Series gained follower. Apart from that who supported Pewdipie they faced public outrage. Same happened in Youtube vs Tiktok controversy. So wisely create your content.
  2. Where you rational or where you not: if you run political opinion channel then don’t be rational. Because no one like your rational perception in politics. Although it is unethical but you have to compromise it. One YouTube channel namely “The Satya Show” did same mistake. Although his contents are awesome but he has very less subscriber because when he criticize right wing, right wing supporters unsubscribe it when he criticize left wing then left wing supporter unsubscribe remember don’t be rational in political opinion genre. But if you run educational you should be rational. Apart from these if you run movie review and product review channel you have to unbiased opinion. You can see subscriber difference between “the filmy Indian” YouTube channel and “Pratik Barode movie review” channel.
  3. Paid promotion: if you have money. Then you can do paid promotion at initial stage. But in the end content matter.
  4. Unique content: if your content is unique then you don’t need too much efforts in promoting your channel. “Make joke of” and “BB ki Vines” are perfect example of unique content.
  5. Cringe content: if you want to popular and it doesn’t matter you want to be famous or be infamous. Then you have to try cringe content. Pioneer of cringe content Dhinchek Pooja is perfect example of this category.
subscriber Gain


Subscribers are degree of the success for any You Tuber. So every You Tuber runs behind the subscriber to bait them. But subscriber don’t be a slave of any YouTube's perception. They should also use their reasoning. While subscribing any channel. Don’t be part of shepherd.




Written by Gsaurabh


hii everybody mai hu Saurabh #mythologylover #storyteller #sasta galib

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